Darkstar one broken alliance review
Darkstar one broken alliance review

darkstar one broken alliance review

GameShark gives it a "B-": And now here is that same basic gameplay, working just fine on a console system. It's not the best surprise game of the summer, but it is an enjoyable one. Even if it weren't the only game of its type on the console, it would be easy to recommend Broken Alliance as a purchase for anyone looking for a spaceship shooter with some depth. However, the gameplay is timeless and the title's depth provides a good amount of gameplay for your money. The voices seem much more amateurish than before, and the cut scenes follow suit due to the exaggerated character animations. WorthPlaying gives it a 7.0/10: There are certain elements of DarkStar One: Broken Alliance that have not withstood the test of time.

darkstar one broken alliance review

But developers should take note: space sims do work on consoles. GamesRadar gives it a 7/10: As it is, Darkstar One ultimately feels disappointingly limited, when it should be an epic voyage of discovery and adventure. If you've been looking to light up the heavens with lasers and missiles, there's no reason you shouldn't forgive DarkStar One's flaws and take to the intergalactic trade lanes. Yet with all its foibles, this space combat sim is a lighthearted and enjoyable adventure that could last you upward of 30 hours, depending on how quickly you decide to blow through the story. Sometimes, selecting a neutral object on your target list will not select it on your screen, while another bug may keep you from collecting all 100 available artifacts. The inability to drop a side mission in progress can be a real pain if you select one that takes you to a location you haven't yet unlocked, for example. GameSpot gives it a 7.0/10: You could add a few other nitpicks to the list of DarkStar One: Broken Alliance's minor problems. Those of you considering a purchase of Darkstar One: Broken Alliance will find a batch of new reviews for Ascaron's space simulation/RPG port today.

Darkstar one broken alliance review